Things To Do This Summer

For me, the summer holidays have just begun and I'm already starting to get a little board so today I thought that I would compile a list of all my favorite activities to do during the summer.

Picnics are one of my favorite summer activities. I just gather all my friends and go to the local park grab some snacks and drinks from the local supermarket and just go and chill for a couple of hours whilst I take in all the sun.

Next is one I prefer to do with family and that is a treasure hunt. Someone will write a list of all the things we need to find and then we go off round our local area and find those things. This activity really feels up the day.

Now for one that you don't need any other company for and that is: Start A Blog!!!

I always enjoy improving myself so here are a few things I want to do this summer:

Read 20 self improvement books
Learn a new language (I'm going to be learning italian)
Find a new hobby
Learn a new skill, i.e Creative writing, singing ect.

What will you be doing to fill up your summer days?

Than you for reading


  1. Heyy, this post helped me heaps because I get very bored during summer haha.

    1. Aha, I always get bored during the summer and I don't live by a beach so thats out of the question
